Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Prop P: Outlaw Planking


Planking is a danger to society. Always the catalyst to bad decisions and general lameness, the act of planking has finally taken a life. Recently, an Australian man in Brisbane plummetted to his death whilst planking on a 7th floor balcony. Even ignoring that planking offers nothing productive to anyone of any race, gender, age, or religion, is the death of an innocent man not enough to convince us to outlaw planking!

As we can see clearly from the images above, planking leads to debauchery, encourages obesity and even has even been a method of attempted suicide! Planking must be stopped! If we act now, and ban planking, we can save thousands of lives, and save thousands of people from wasting their time and losing IQ points.

Outlaw planking. Save the world.

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